I'm driving on east on 38th street, the street in front of my old grade school at Our Lady Of Peace Church. There's a garbage man in front of me. For some reason I wanted to help him. He had stopped short of the intersection and extended the long arms of truck to pick up the garbage. Children were leaving the school but not interrupted by the garbage man. He was a very nice older man. I felt bad for him that he had this kind of physical job at his old age. Yet I thought that the weight that he picks up also strengthens him.
This dream suggests a sense of empathy and compassion towards others, specifically towards someone who may appear older or physically strained. The setting of your old grade school and the presence of children leaving the school implies a connection to your past and a feeling of nostalgia.
The garbage man in your dream represents the idea of hard work and the notion that sometimes individuals have to take on physically demanding jobs to make a living. Your desire to help him reflects your caring nature and the willingness to assist others in need.
The presence of children leaving the school without being interrupted by the garbage man indicates that despite the challenges and responsibilities we may have as adults, life continues and carries on unaffected by individual circumstances.
Your realization that the weight lifted by the garbage man also strengthens him symbolizes the resilience and personal growth that can arise from facing challenges. This aspect of the dream suggests that even though the garbage man's job may be physically demanding, it also serves as a source of strength and endurance for him.
Overall, this dream signifies your empathy for those who may have physically demanding jobs and their ability to find strength and growth through such experiences. It may also urge you to continue demonstrating kindness and offering help to others, even if they are strangers.